David Cameron molested dead pig with genitalia. Drugs and debauchery too.

Vile, degenerate, genocidal Totalitarian dictator

commits act of bestiality and drugs.

ff cover piggate copy

Leader of the United Kingdom David Cameron yesterday faced fresh allegations of debauchery, corruption and national embarrassment during his time as a privileged Oxford Student.

Mr Cameron inserted his genitalia into a dead pig’s head, while resting on the lap of a friend, to join a secret society club of elitism at University.

The undemocratic leader of the country also used a high level of drug taking antics and allowed pals to use drugs at his own home in later years. Cameron smoked high class drugs with pals in a group while listening to pop group Supertramp.

On Monday David Cameron had his team working around the clock to block any press reports, and online breaking of the stories. David Cameron added at the time of the FIFA world cup corruption scandal that he wanted to end all corruption. Cameron, who is always at the centre of political corruption, is not trying to deny the claims.

Tory peer and party saviour with financial support, Lord Ashcroft, who has written an extensive biography with real accounts from MR Cameron’s inner circle of MPs, friends and former colleagues even added they had photographical evidence that the writers and interviewees witnessed as well as watching Cameron’s participation in such degeneous events.

The news, which broke on Twitter under the hashtag #piggate saw the topic be the number one trend with well over 100,000 comments and growing. The nation of the UK were entirely appalled by such depraved actions, where Cameron molested a dead pig’s head in an act of Bestiality. Cameron’s Pig also has it’s own Twitter account with millions of followers as a result of the inhumane sex crime. For general reasons of the pig being dead, we cannot name him/her for legal reasons.


Cameron has since fallen quiet unlike his usual self to always comment in an instant on any drama of crisis involving other matters to smear. Cameron, who smears constantly with abuse, is now trying to claim he is a victim. He has also tried to defend these actions as a normal way of life. The elite clubs in his Oxford University include ay beyond normal acts with initiation ceremonies which most Universities never do. Only in the elite clubs do such actions occur. The rich have since vehemently tried to protect Cameron’s disgraced actions with heavy Right-Wing propaganda and blocking all reports in the national press, to no avail.

This story is not going away. The Tories continue to threaten emptily law tactics where the evidence, is known to be true, adding that Cameron’s previous tinkering with the legal system prevented regular access to anyone who cannot afford it or isn’t rich with access, a fundamental abuse of Human Rights and the law.

PIC: APEX 22/08/2013 Prime Minister David Cameron is pictured on the beach at Polzeath, Cornwall, during his family holiday. ---------------------------------------------------- APEX NEWS & PICTURES NEWS DESK: 01392 823144 PICTURE DESK: 01392 823145

Pot Belly.  22/08/2013
David Cameron is pictured on the beach at Polzeath, Cornwall, during his family holiday.

NEWS DESK: 01392 823144
PICTURE DESK: 01392 823145

David Cameron, who won’t be held accountable for his actions by himself or the Tory press, have let down the public and have shown their hand in biased reporting that has destroyed the United Kingdom’s national heritage. The UK is nothing of the representation of the dictatorship Cameron has been running since 2010, with the social cleansing of the poor and unfortunate.

Cameron is also accused of ‘buying an election’ after he supposedly knew of Ashcroft’s Non-Dom status, which saw him avoid tax laws in the UK. Cameron turned a blind eye to this to gain the peers’ support, who gave Cameron a lump sum of finance to run and gain the leadership seat in 2010 as overseer of the country.

Cameron, who promised the gracious donating peer a high class job, lied on such attitudes and blamed Liberal Democrat ex-leader Nick Clegg for blocking Ashcroft. The statements were proved to be untrue and complete fabrication on Cameron’s part. He lied.

Lord Ashcroft has been a man who earned his fortunes from nothing, helping failing businesses become profitable and also donates support to charities, including Crimestoppers. Caring philanthropist Ashcroft plans to give his 1.2 billion fortune to charities once he dies.

Cameron has caused much scandal since his takeover in 2010, causing suicidal genocide by causing unfit and ill benefit claimants unable to work to kill themselves after having their benefits taken away, despite being classified as too ill. Over the last seven years Cameron has done nothing but implement personal policy and attack the poor with it. His constant annual reforms on welfare to attack the poorest and most vulnerable in society have been the forefront of his dictatorship.

His others depraved policies including legislating almost everything his way in bias to impose criminal prosecutions on those who are political enemies. He also failed to increase economical standards and endorses slave labour without paying people, making the working poor and poor countrymen work for free like slaves. Mr Cameron inherited his fortunes from slavery.


Pig’s ‘Official’ Twitter account.

Cameron has allowed non-tax pals to avoid paying taxes and penalise the workers and poor instead. Now Cameron plans to take away free school meals and more family benefits he promised he wouldn’t do. He almost gambled away the country with a Scottish Referendum vote which many in the country did not approve. Cameron also lost respect for his lack of EU renegotiations and repealing the human Rights Act plans for a totalitarian country.

The comparisons are literal. Everything Mr Cameron has done is exactly what Adolf Hitler did. Genocide at Auschwitz, Hitler putting his manhood into a Goat’s mouth and using the T4 Aktion plans to strip poor people of their humanity with benefits. Cameron is a risk to all national, social and economic security. His lies for seven years, which have shamed the once greatest nation in the world for its democratic values, have now been ridicule and a complete international laughing stock with no credibility. If he has any remorse he will resign now. It has been a long time coming and he cannot survive this level of debauchery. Voters will draw the line at molesting a dead pig, among burning £50 notes in front of poor people, and alleged secret wife swapping parties.

Cameron is the greatest political mess of the last century, and he only had seven years to do in. The national shame and disgrace of such a pitiful leader only there for the glory cannot support true British values. The man is a on at the heart of the establishment. His pals and cousins, George Osborne, the man who lost the AAA Credit Rating, and HRH Queen Elizabeth II of Windsor have been too close to offer political neutrality. Cameron is accused by Ashcroft as only sitting in office to hold it from others, and distorts the political spectrum for its intended purposes of reflecting the views of the nation, who elect them in. Cameron was never elected in 2010 and his victory in 2015 was a con where the Tories all secretly voted for each other, which is not allowed in political votes, therefore an illegitimate cheat.


Doesn’t like them alive.

Cameron also brought the very first convicted criminal into downing Street with phone hacker Andy Coulson, who helped hack a dead teen girls’ phone for information to make stories for the national press. The girl was murdered and accessing her phone details led people to believe she was alive, compromising the investigation. Cameron felt that it was not a big deal. Cameron has also used illegal war practices without backing of Westminster votes, which is needed to impose such choices and hid it from the media reports. He has also used his own dead son as political tactics to seem genuine to get elected and has been instrumental in covering up a Paedophile ring in the heart of Westminster ‘because it looks bad’ on MPs. The majority of them are Conservative politicians, which included gang rapes, reported by some news stations including Channel 4 news, of trading little boys for sex. They were only there to be raped, abused and shared by an elite group of paedophiles. Christian Cameron has yet to comment on any details and has publicly delayed investigations into sex trafficking disasters with the Rochdale teen girls investigations.

He has also hid members of the Conservative Party’s illustrious and infedelic affairs, including Grant Shapps, who had a secret affair against his wife with another member of the Tory Party, a female.

His cousin, Bullingdon Club society friend and chancellor (right hand man) used Cocaine and slept with prostitutes previously. The air have kept a quiet lid on this well-known public scandal and also sent the ‘Gestapo’ a special police force to raid the female prostitutes home for ‘dodgy’ things to scare her when writing a book on the issues of George, whose real name is Gideon, Osborne’s disgraced ways. The police told her on their visit not to publish the book. She is a black female.

Nigel Evans, who was secretly given protection to be find a ‘level of innocent’ has been fiddling with young boys. He used his finances to quieten the victims and avoid political accountability after it was widely released to the public. He still comments on a wide range of issues to this day in public at the House of Commons, like nothing has ever happened to his victims. He got away with it as much as prolific paedophile Sir Jimmy Savile, a close friend of The Queen and Margaret Thatcher, Cameron’s idol.

Cameron also knew of the proven and published assassination of Princess Diana of Wales, the nation’s true princess by MI5/6 operatives. Someone in the Royal Family ordered the hit, but who cannot be identified as of this time. Many believe it was someone very close to The Queen. Cameron knew and did nothing. Diana stated she feared for her life after her marriage break down to Prince Charles, who cheated on her with Camilla. Diana was pregnant at the time with an Arab child, which many felt would bring a downfall to the Royal Family, hence having her killed. The Daily Express, who reported it, were told by police to heavily drop the story.



For the doomed Cameron, if he truly cares about the UK, he will cease his leadership now and save himself the scandal. He cannot come back from this and even when caught, the Tories aim to hide behind the law and abuse others. There is no shred of humility, Christian values or family love from David Cameron. He is at the heart of corruption with the blackest of hearts and is deadly for all society, worldly matters and the UK. The Queen failed to impeach him and the law now needs to act. He has committed too many crimes, including contempt of court and rape and bestiality of a deceased animal. There is no way this man can ever attain such purity and has been exposed as the vilest, corrupt ‘human’ being the world has ever seen. He does not represent British values and is abusing the right of power for strategic gain. That itself is corruption at its finest.


Sick Chirps

Daily Mirror

Daily Mail

David Hartley


*Please note this is a public interest story and clearly labelled as comment. Stop being corrupt.*

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