UK govt to ban Internet Porn, opening way to Fraudsters, ID Theft and Paedophilia through kneejerk ‘legislation’

This country gets worse. Theresa May and Torys using Child safety as excuse to impose Internet PornBan because parents are too lazy to simply go to Internet settings on a PC and block it. No laws needed. Proof Torys want to ban porn because they want to not need to. A puritan, Christian toting sect who believe all porn is dirty and rotten, as no one has sex. Problems? Fraud, ID theft, Porn Barons becoming richer and wont deter people. Deterants dont work as they are censorship. Even I/net companies use a xxx filter. Its not about Porn either. It starts with porn and benefit abuses and filters to everything in what many think is nanny state meddling but is actually totalitarian fascist that will rise anarchy. This PornBan will increase rape, ‘real’ porn, thirsty sexual appetites to film people with phones for content to wank off to, invasions of privacy, up-skirting and revenge porn, which was done to ‘protect vulnerable girls’ who are the main culprits of uploading it and gov think poor white girls dont do that. They are the victims. And they get off scot free from judges yet if it was a man they face jail and registered criminality. Social, ethnic, and cultural cleansing for a nonsense, kneejerk Conservative reaction who sees one comment or thing and wont stop until they burn the world to impose a law they had no right to levy. All for the sake of Women disliking porn. Yet Government has many sex pests and scandals at its heart. Not to mention that the ID theft that will happen by an age/enter card details verification would simply cause more unknown people to be able to be blamed and identities used to access Child porn and get away from prosecution by using someone elses ID. This government really is the thickest, most aggressively stupid and harmful thing to ALL society. They make even your kids are more risk by doing this. And if parents are too lazy to act by adding a filter on PC settings to block, then they will still get around watching this, or go to their friends’ houses and see it. Notice how NONE of the mobile advertisers or companies are taking a hit. Dumb Conservatives are feeding and making barons richer who can make more porn and target the people who watch or use a SERVICE which keeps them content and instead of being a public nuisances, can watch porn, in their own home, safely, and not harm anyone on streets or public transport. But no, Troys want to ban it all. And more public sex offences will continue. Another step closer to this is another victim of lifelong rape, aggressive sex or other sexual abuse or child abuse that will be generational to come. All because dumb puritans think it is ungodly and dirty. Yet they praise childbirth as a sovereign act and believe everyone has sex only to procreate. These conservative puritan, cleansers are the greatest problem of all. We are ALL at risk. And they dont even see what they are doing is wrong due to their stubborn attitudes to just ban everything. Some things keep people from public harm and that is a good thing to maintain, is it not? Oh, and not to mention it is a human and democratic right that no random vanity purist has a right to impose upon just because they think they can. More abuse will follow and be very REAL if this is put through, which it will be, because millionaire Conservatives have no soul, brains and kneejerk reactions to impose it blindly dismissing ever actual proven or advised truth given. This is the world we live in. This is what is putting us closer to the Doomsday Clock than anything else. The EU’s courts should start getting involved and vetoing the UK governments abuses of our rules, which are governed by and as a sovereign European state.

Everything in the world is bad when the UK government say so and want its outdated, out of touch ‘values’ in place for its own nostalgic 1800s Ye Olde Britain appeal to the world. One that makes us look entirely backward, useless and the world sniggers at how idiotic we all are because of a failed government who cant do a thing correct or for the “National Interest”. Scores of poverty, abuses of Human and general Rights, low workers, no rights and plans to ban and fine people for being homeless, going on strike for bad working conditions and through no fault of own being unwell. The NHS will be the next big juggernaut the government want to unpack into privatised hands and yet wont accept miracle treatments that would solve a huge gaping black hole in chronic (that means life long, no cure available) treatments. They refuse to give you your cancer, cranial or bodily medicines now. And it is not Hitler’s Aktion T4 plans melded with social cleansing, ethnic cleansing and removal of ‘undesirables’ who look, sound or are poor or disfigured in some way. Only pretty aesthetics are allowed. And that is a matter of Worldly concern from what used to be the greatest country in the world with it sheer levels of openness, values, equal laws, transparency and to make an affordable life to live. And they still say its Democracy. That is one word alone. Fascism. Totalitarianism. Bullying, Victimisation. Injustice. Abuse. Wrong. Deadly. Anarchy.

We dont live in a democracy. Otherwise these bogus clean up ‘laws’ which can be broken at any time as they are not legit from a government since 2010 who very never elected and its sitting ‘President of the UK’ today, Theresa – 62 year old headmistress, Christian cleansing puritan – May, who has failed every policy since 2010 of hers, treats everyone like a child whilst hiding behind a government bench with bribes and corruption.

This is a woman who time and again FOUGHT for the rights of gay, black, ethnics, women, FGM and all else laws to be abolished, criminalised or jailed.

No random PR statement will change that now.

May is also a tax dodger millionaire whose lawyer husband whom advises her how to be evil, was busted in the Paradise Papers a few years back, alongside The Queen, whom supports them crippling her nation of us, as a tax evader. No harm has come to them, rest assured. But all of us are dying. And that’s allowed.